Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why Shakeology?

Lately I have been being asked Why Shakeology? What does it do? It is just a protein shake. I cant afford it. Sometimes I want to be like WHAT WHAT WHAT!!!!

1.) Shakeology is not a protein shake. Shakeology is much and I mean much more than that. Yes, Shakeology has protein in it. Shakeology also has 70+ Superfoods to help improve your health in many different ways. The superfoods in Shakeology have been known to improve your digestive system, improve metabolism, regulate your bowel movements, regulate your blood pressure, regulate diabetes and the list just goes on.
just go down the list are read, That is all it takes. This product isnt just a shake. It is a change of life. IT IS A LIFE IMPROVEMENT.

2.) Shakeology is not like anything else on the market. All these protein powders are only protein powders. Shakeology includes superfoods to help make you healthier. Comparing Shakeology to other "meal replacements"  is wrong. It is nothing and I mean nothing like anything on the market right now. This is not a weight loss shake, this is a health shake. Almost everything you find out is aimed at losing weight, building muscle, ect. Shakeology is aimed at making you healthy.
Like I said Shakeology is like nothing out on the market today.

3.) So everyone is complaining about the price. Honestly if you replace Shakeology with one meal a day, it evens itself out in the grocery store. One thing that upsets me is that people refuse to give up things hurting them to improve their health. Let's say you eat out breakfast daily or get a cup of coffee. That money spent on eating breakfast, fast food, or coffee could be used to buy Shakeology. Yes that is right. Shakeology is great for breakfast so there is the breakfast money or Shakeology can be drank at lunch time instead of driving through that drive through. How much money do you spend on coffee? You could make that coffee at home and put the money you would have spent into a fund for Shakeology. If your health is important to you, you will give up things to get Shakeology.

Yeah. What one looks like it is the best deal? OBVIOUSLY SHAKEOLOGY. 

Ever since I have started drinking Shakeology I have felt so much better both mentally and physically. Before Shakeology I was severely depressed daily. Shakeology helped boost my confidence in myself. Shakeology also boosted my metabolism and after being in a plateau for 9 months I began losing weight again. My body is regular. I feel healthier. Oh yea. Not to mention I am always sick from November until March, stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, you name it I have it. This year, even in extreme cold NOTHING. I am healthy. Everyone else around me has had the flu and here I am healthy. My immune system is running better than ever before. If that isnt reason enough to try Shakeology I dont know what is.

Oh how about this, Beachbody and everyone else who drinks Shakeology is so impressed that they offer a 30 day bottom of the bag guarantee. Yes you did read that right. 30 day. Bottom of the Bag Guarantee. So what do you have to lose? NOTHING. Start drinking Shakeology today and you will love yourself and thank yourself for the rest of your long life.

If you were to buy everything in Shakeology seperatley you would be spending TOO much money. Shakeology combines all the recommended superfoods into one and gives it to you at a lower price.

What is so important about the ingredients in Shakeology?

Shakeology saved my life and made it healthier. Why not yours?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Hello There,

Whew Where do I begin. This week has been kinda rocky for me. I have so much going on its not funny. Everyday is a day I have to push myself to get going, get up, and get to work. My goals are what are important to me.Goals. I have to remember them. Yes I do. Lately I have been working for them but not fully. My eating habits have been crap ever since Thanksgiving and it has been hell trying to get back into the groove of eating healthy. Ah it does have it's downfalls but I know I will get the groove back eventually.

There is a new program Beachbody is releasing. It is a program aimed to help you get fit and lose weight all while helping you work on your eating habits. This program will be perfect for everyone who has a hard time with eating. The program includes different color containers that you use to help you with your portions. The recipes and daily food menus tell you what container and what foods to prepare. Awesome right? I believe so. I am also excited that this program also has daily 30 minute workouts YES 30 minutes! That is the 4th Beachbody program now with workouts that are 30 minutes or less. So this program is a program that teaches you how to eat right, with workouts, and then gives you a free coach and family to support you through this process. YES YES YES. Oh I cant wait! This program is known as the 21 Day Fix. It is called the 21 Day Fix because it is 21 Days long. I believed the program was names because it takes 21 days to make a habit and it  wants to help form habits that are good. Do you have to quit after 21 days? NO NO NO. Keep going and keep up with your habit. We got this. We can do this.

what a wonderful deal and program. I know I am excited for this to be released. It is at the top of my list and the results people have had are just amazing. My friend and upline coach was part of the test group for this program and her results(pictured in the image above) were amazing for 21 Days. It was great to see her meals and progress throughout this stage. Things like that make you want to move and push. It shows you that it is capable and it can happen!!!! So many amazing results. So many amazing stories. All brought together by Beachbody programs.

Amazing results with this program and I am excited to start it. I cant wait. Well lately I have doing the Les Mills Combat workout. OMG. It is a great workout and does push your limits. It leaves me breathless, sweaty, and energetic which is why I am writing such a long blog post today LOL. It is a great feeling though once your done and you feel your legs shaking and you just want more and want to improve yourself. Wow . Today I couldnt get off the floor. I had to lean up against the couch and push myself up.

Yep. I pushed myself to the limits. It felt great though. Exercising does so much for me. It pushes me to strive harder and pushes me to want more. This isn't just an outside change that I am striving for but an inside change as well. Beachbody has helped me meet so many new people both near and far. Before Beachbody I was a loner and didn't do much but work and come home. Since Beachbody I am stepping out of my shell, meeting new people, and even hanging out with people. Yea. I still like being a home body though but I am building my social life which is a good thing. I am trying to surround myself with successful people who have goals they are striving and fighting for because this is how people achieve success and I want to achieve success. Before Beachbody I had no goals, my friends had no goals, most of them no jobs and no umph to get passed waiting tables or working fast-food. I am not knocking people who do that really but to me that is not a career choice. That is an easy way out and something where you don't have to even try or want to succeed. I want to much out of life to surround myself with that. So instead I am surrounding myself with people who want more and work for it. I honestly have always been that way. I have been a workaholic and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I love working, I love helping people. Helping people. That is a joy. I do it both with Beachbody and in my career. Helping people keeps me motivated. It keeps me moving forward and wanting to never give up. When I help others I think about how their success leads to so much more. It makes them feel good and makes them feel as if they want to do more and help others too. Helping others is awesome and everyone wants to do it. You may not even know that youre helping someone. Just smiling and telling people their doing awesome is helping someone. Try it!!!! You may be able to change someones life!

So my workout shoes were horrible and I mean horrible. See the picture above! I had worn those shoes out! Holes and all. I was in search of new ones. I read my coach's blog. Yes she writes a blog. She recently purchased shoes and said that they were amazing. I mean obviously I trust her judgement too! It has gotten me this far and she hasn't steered me wrong yet. I mean watching her and the people she was helping made me want to be helped also and made me take the leap at being part of Beachbody. Well let's get back to the shoes. She recommended the Nike Flex Trainer 3's. Yes if youre working out you want Cross Training shoes. You only want running shoes for running. Cross Trainers are made for jumping, side to side movement, running, everything. They are for everything. Well I took her advice and bought them and they arrived today.
Yes that is a picture of me throwing the old ones out =). New shoes. I did my first workout with them on today. They were flexible and very comfortable. My feet did not hurt after using them. They worked perfect. It was great. I am glad I listened to her. I am glad I took her advice and used the Nike Flex Trainer 3's. My feet feel fine and I feel like I got one great workout. If you're looking for a workout shoe I highly recommend them! The first day and they worked perfect.

I am going to leave you right here. There will be more to come as I am focused on my weight-loss. We will also probably get more into my life and my wedding in posts in the future. Part of my weight loss is for my wedding and I cant wait to reach my goals! 
Keep pushing forward and don't give up. You will reach and accomplish your goals with focus and determination! 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Introducing me

You always think this will never be you. I will never do that. I will never get the chance to do that. I will never let myself get that bad. Everything that comes around people think that will never be them. That they will never be able to do what others can do. Why do we feel that way? Why do we feel as if we are not good enough to reach what we want or do the things that we want? Is it society? Is it how we are raised?

I have started this blog as a way to blog about my fitness journey, my life, my ups and downs, and what I want for my future. My life has been a bit of a roller coaster lately. Well always. In the last couple of years I have gained weight back after losing 100+ lbs., my fiance has been sent to prison, I have made friends, I have lost friends, I have gotten farther in my education and job, and just recently I have become a coach through Beachbody. Why? I wanted to help others reach their goals using products that I personally use and believe in. Whether or not they use these products I wanted to be there for them. I wanted to help them along the way.

What better way to pay it forward then to help others reach their goals also. The best part is I will be doing it with them. I am not at my health and fitness goals yet either. I am on my journey. This journey is never ending. This journey is always going to be going and will always continue to grow. How lovely. How wonderful.

Currently on my journey I have lost and gained weight. The holidays ruined me and now I am having a hard time getting back into eating healthier. That is something I am working on and will need to continue to work on throughout this process. One bad meal wont hurt you but continuously eating bad will pack on the pounds again and that is something that I definitely do not want.

I am also getting married and want to make it through that. LOL. Part of my weight-loss goal is because I want to feel and look wonderful at my wedding. I want everything to be perfect. I am already getting a bit of a bridezilla mode going on. HAHA. This is going to be fun.

So this blog is going to be a blog about my life all in one. I hope you all enjoy it and I hope it helps you with your goals seeing how I am doing with mine.