Monday, March 10, 2014

I love Beachbody. It has changed my life in so many ways.

So as I got stuck at work tonight. I am sitting here, looking at pictures, thinking to myself exactly why I love Beachbody. What is it that makes me keep going, why do I have so much faith in this company? What does it do for me and why am I still using their products? What about Beachbody keeps me coming back? There is so much to put. There is so much to explain. Beachbody cares, Beachbody is a family. There are so many people who have your back. Not just coaches but other people who are on a journey. There is a whole family of people. These people build bonds and friendships that last forever. They stick together and back each other 100%. This is what Beachbody is about. Friendships, people pushing each other to reach their goals, and people believing in themselves. Beachbody just offers the products to connect these people. That is all Beachbody does.

I am so happy that I had found my coach. Without her I would still probably be in my plateau. I would probably still be working out 2.5 hours a day and not seeing any results or getting anywhere. When I started following my coach, I watched her for months. I watched and waited and saw how she loved what she did. I saw all the people who love what she did, I saw all the transformation pictures and well I decided that it was time to have my own. I am so happy that I did, that is the day that I changed my life for good. My coach didn't pressure, she didnt tell me this what I had to do she simply encouraged me. When I bought my first challenge pack I was automatically hooked. Not long after I had signed up to be a coach. At first it was for the discount but I loved the products so much I wanted everyone to know about them. Shakeology is amazing. It makes me feel so much alive and like I can conquer the world. My energy levels were through the rough, my metabolism was too! I wasnt as depressed as normal and also did not have depressive episodes like I had before. My first challenge pack was Focus T25. Shaun T kicked my ass for those whole 10 weeks. I lost 30lbs with one round of T25.
Yes. Results are amazing. I encourage everyone to try this program out. For me it was perfect I worked so much and this gave me short workouts. 25 minutes a day. I made it work =).  Shakeology and Focus T25 were amazing for me. I have come to believe it was the same for others as lately Beachbody has released programs that are 30 minutes or less. The first one P90X3, this program I did not do yet. It is on my list but I will, and the program that I am doing now, The 21 Day Fix. When Beachbody started promoting the 21 Day Fix, it seemed so unbelievable. Seriously? A program built to help people with portion sizes and eating healthy all while drinking Shakeology and giving you 30 minute daily workouts. A program that is geared on 21 Days to help you build a habit.
Do you see these results? Do they even look believable? Well yea they didnt to me either. I was a huge skeptic. I was like no way. This would never work. This is a lie. Even though I had been watching my upline coach and seeing her amazing results I just didnt believe it. Beachbody then released another photo!
Mega unbelievable huh? Well you are so wrong! This is real and this does happen. It did happen and this man is still working. His life is completely changed! He is healthier, happier, and now has a new outlook on life. I couldn't wait to purchase it. I wanted a transformation. I had been working at building a new me. This program would help with this. The day this program was released, it broke record sales! The next day it was sold out. WHAT! SOLD OUT! What happened? So many people were interested in this! so many people wanted this program because they, wanted a change to, they believed in Beachbody and themselves. Luckily I was one of the lucky ones who made it before the cut off time and was able to get my program sent to me. YES. That made me happy. That made me jump with joy! I received my program and I went over it. There was a calculation to figure out how many of each portion that you needed a day. Let me tell you. A lot us believed we would go hungry. When you saw the containers it was like wow, how am I supposed to survive off these little things. BUT. It is all about the food you put into them. Each portion control is a group of foods. Let me tell you the foods you eat make you full. When you are getting the correct portion of each group you are satisfied. Seriously. So eating correctly and doing the daily workouts gave me amazing results. Yes I said it AMAZING. Results.  In 9 days and this is the results that I had:

Yup! Outstanding! Crazy! and Perfect! Just admire those results! I know that I do. This program is going to change not only my life but so many others and all you have to do is follow it. I mean these are reults with some cheating too! So yeah! Wow. I will never ever ever doubt Beachbody. I will be with them forever. Seriously.AWESOME. lol  This is amazing I am so happy. I have a wedding in a little over a year. I have a goal to be 4 sizes smaller by time I need to try on wedding dresses. This program is going to help me do just that. I will be also using other Beachbody programs until them. I am ready to have the body and life I wanted. So what do my Before Beachbody and current Beachbody pictures look like next to eachother?

What do you think? Great huh? I know I do. =) I know I am excited to see future pictures, and to see my end  results. I honestly will always workout, and always drink Shakeology so there will never be an end. I will always keep going. I will always keep using Beachbody products and encourage others to believe in themselves and give it a try. That is what this is about. I am changing and others are too. 

Change is right. I am changing. I am not only changing on the outside but also in the inside. Yes my looks are changing. I have heard so much that I was going to become stuck up and so many other things. All I could say is no. I am going to become happy with myself. What is wrong with having confidence and holding your head high and being proud for your accomplishments? I see nothing wrong with that. I have worked so hard to get to where I am right now and I will never let anyone get in my way. I will keep pushing for change until I am happy, until I am complete within myself. I wont let anyone stand in my way when it comes to my goals. Neither should you.

With this new me is a coach. It is someone who you can count on, someone you can ask for advice, and someone who will help you through your problems. If I dont know the answer i will find it out.  Come join me and let's change our lives together!

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